Reeler Family Tree - Selected Families and Individuals


William John Barns

Occupation recorded as being an ironmonger and a Master, employing in Tin Ware Factory 15 Females 3 Men 2 Boys

Address is recorded as being 10 Stapleton Road, Bristol

Kelly's directory of businesses 1889 records William John Barns as being an ironmonger with a business at 54 Stapleton Road, Bristol

Fanny Baker

In the 1871 England census, she is recorded as having a child, Fanny L, aged 2 days! A nurse by the name of Margaret Cook is recorded as having spent the census night at the house. The census has no record of Florence E, who by then would have been aged 5. The family had a servant by the name of Alice A Hyman, aged 18.

Albert E Parfitt

He was Mayor of Bloemfontein.
Described as a carpenter in 1881.